Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Member of the Day: Senator Rand Paul (KY)

The Senator from Kentucky says he is considering a Filibuster of the 2011 Budget which will fund the government for the remainder of the fiscal year.  Paul said: "Ask me tomorrow."  Some Republicans, like Mr. Paul, feel that the spending cuts don't go far enough.  Earlier, House Republicans vote to cut $61 billion.  Paul said he would  be more inclined to block action in the upper chamber if it could possibly lead to a consideration of the Senate GOP's balanced budget amendment. 

BUT under Congressman Ryan's plan the Budget won't be balanced for another 28 years, giving many MoC's reason not to pursue the balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

The vote on the Budget (that cuts almost $39 billion in spending) may come as soon as Thursday.

So here's to Mr. Paul- for sticking to his guns, for allowing us to use the best word in government "filibuster" and for drawing out this "Shutdown-Showdown will they or won't they" longer than anyone could have expected.

Do we think Sen. Paul will enact that Filibuster? Let us gather our thoughts and ask us again later, perhaps tomorrow?

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